- 01. Lesson 3 Introduction
- 02. Intro to GitHub
- 03. Creating a GitHub Account
- 04. Keeping Repositories in Sync
- 05. Adding a Remote
- 06. Editing Files on GitHub
- 07. Reflect: When to Use a Remote Repository
- 08. Pulling Changes
- 09. Concept Map: GitHub, Push, Pull, Remote
- 10. Reflect: Manual vs. Automatic Pull
- 11. Forking a Repository
- 12. Fork the Recipes Repository
- 13. Push Changes to the Recipes Repository
- 14. Reflect: Forks, Clones, and Branches
- 15. Collaborations Cause Conflict
- 16. Change the Chili Recipe
- 17. Sarah Changes the Chili Recipe
- 18. Simulate Sarah's Changes
- 19. Updating Local Copies of Remote Branches
- 20. Merging the Changes Together
- 21. Fast-Forward Merges
- 22. Reflect: Local Copies of Remote Branches
- 23. Making a Pull Request
- 24. Updating a Pull Request
- 25. Reflect: Collaboration Using GitHub
- 26. Conflicting Changes
- 27. Updating Your Local Repository
- 28. Merging a Pull Request
- 29. Concept Map: Fork, Fetch, Pull Request
- 30. Interview with Brent Beer of GitHub
- 31. Reflect: When to Use a Separate Branch
- 32. Modifying the Adventure Repository
- 33. Keeping a Fork Up-To-Date
- 34. Lesson 3 Summary